Category: Funny
Even Bears Love Beer
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This thing should be flying up the ol' Colbert "Threat Down" any time now. In the summers of 2012 and 2013, we were blessed by the donation of used beer mash by Payette Brewing Company. Now you’re probably wondering,...
Game on with Dream Arcades Kegerator Pro 60
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60" screen and a built-in kegerator? Uh, ok! Dream Arcades, the world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of arcade machines for the home or office, today unveiled the Kegerator Pro 60, the world’s first arcade ma...
Funny Arcadia Commercial
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I don't have much use for pumpkin ales, personally, but I do enjoy a funny commercial regardless of product.
Mosquitos like beer?
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Or something like that. Just a single 12-ounce bottle of beer can make you more attractive to the insects, one study found. But even though researchers had suspected this was because drinking increases the amount of ...
Kopparberg’s new glass treats you like the filthy thief that you are
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Ever stolen a cool pint glass or goblet from a bar? Stop lying, you lying liar. I know you have. I've seen your cabinets. Well, try that again and they will BLOW YOUR FREAKIN' HAND OFF. They will, le...
Snake Bite ad fills your funny bone with its deadly venom
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Taking their cue from the absurd comedy of the popular Old Spice commercials, the brand-spankin'-new brewery from the bay area has a video almost guaranteed to go viral. It certainly appeals to the target demographic...
GWARBQ Brew by Cigar City – Teaser video
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Shot like a classic beer ad, but way more awesome (obviously). I posted previously about this totally real product. To be served at GWAR's annual festival.
Lagunitas alleges 420-related demands from SweetWater
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In a series of fairly weird tweets, Tony Magee of Lagunitas fame has accused SweetWater(though not by name) of sending him a cease and desist letter about the use of 420 on some Langunitas brews.
‘Fucking Awesome’ beer label approved in the United States
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That's not commentary or colorful description. That's the name of the beer. But it won't be available everywhere, as you might expect. As Shelton Brothers recently noted, some states like Maine will reject labels t...