Category: Homebrewing
Learning about Sours
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I enjoy a lot of the sours I've had--one of my go-to hot weather beers is Westbrook Gose, even. But I still don't know terribly much about how they're made. I came across an interesting article with some good info. ...
Some real talk about Lager
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Hot Rum Cow has a good write-up on why you shouldn't dismiss lagers as pale, flavorless abominations. Simply put, you're probably just not drinking the right ones. The style has been open to abuse by unscrupulous br...
Don’t feel bad if you don’t homebrew
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I'm somebody that has always felt a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of homebrewing. I've never taken the plunge, but it always seemed like an expensive and impractical hobby. From a distance, it also always seemed t...
The fight to share your homebrew
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Almost everyone lives some place that has seen some important changes to the laws governing beer in the last decade. Container size limits, ABV restrictions, brewery zoning issues, Sunday seems there's alw...
The Growler Saver: our favorite new kickstarter project
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Ever had your growler go flat in a matter of 48 hours in your fridge, or even just after a bumpy car trip? This clever, simple, inexpensive device will fix all that. Check out the video to see how it works. This ...
Hopped To Death
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"Come in and have a seat. America, we're here today to tell you that you have a problem. You're addicted to hops and we want to help you get better." At least that's the charge over at Slate. From a consumer’s s...
All glory to the Hopnotoad: Hopville merges with Brewtoad
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You can read all about the merger here. The bottom line is that 2 of the best homebrew resources on the web are joining forces. If you've never used Brewtoad before, you should give it a try.
Homebrewing Almost Legal Nationwide
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Only 2 states (Mississippi and Alabama) still prohibit home brewing, but both are close to legalizing the practice with recent legislative efforts from grassroots organizers in both states. Last month, Mississippi...
Dogfish Head Tips for Aging Beer
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When it comes to drink, and making beer, most people prefer to enjoy their beer sooner rather than later. Most forget about the delicious qualities and flavors that come when you age a good beer. Whether you like fres...
Homebrew Banned From St. Louis Beer Festival
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On Monday, a stunning decision was made by St. Louis' Excise Division that will stop hundreds of gallons of sweet, tasty, delicious homebrew from being server at the St. Louis Brewers Heritage Festival, which runs Fri...