Category: News

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Jester King is dead, all hail Jester King!

Added by 10 years ago

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It almost felt inevitable: their head brewer is moving on to start his own operation. It is with great sadness that we must announce that our Head Brewer, Jordan Keeper, is leaving Jester King to pursue his dream of ...

New Spring Seasonal From Ommegang, “Glimmerglass” Seasonal

Added by 10 years ago

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From the name alone it sounds like some kind of magical potion from Middle Earth, which is an advantage not lost on me.  Luckily, it also sounds absolutely delicious: Glimmerglass is brewed with white wheat, hopped w...

Gluten-free or “Gluten-free”?

Added by 10 years ago

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As many gluten-sensitive consumers are already aware, some brewers seem to be fibbing a little about their gluten-free offerings. The new FDA regulations disqualify foods from bearing a ‘gluten-free’ claim if they co...

It’s against the law to show ABV in Maine, apparently.

Added by 10 years ago

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That is some wacky, idiotic nonsense.  Maine has a decades-old law that prohibits advertising or otherwise promoting the alcohol content of beer. For a long time this law was unenforced. Yet as Jacob Sullum reports, ...

What beer goes with Girl Scout Cookies?

Added by 10 years ago

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Here's several suggestions to get you started. I'm not entirely sure how helpful this information will be to a non-enthusiast, though.  For Samoas alone the suggestions range from porter to scotch ale to Belgian-st...

FAA grounds beer drones

Added by 10 years ago

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Were you looking forward to having lifeless automatons bring you beer in the wilderness?  Of course you were! But it looks like you'll have to wait. Local brewery Lakemaid was testing a new drone delivery system t...

50 states/50 beers

Added by 10 years ago

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Serious Eats brings us an interactive map with a beer they love for every state.  While some are totally predictable (Heady Topper for VT, Piny for CA, Bell's Two Hearted for Michigan) there are some surprises on here...

BeerGraphs creates “Fantasy Beer League”

Added by 10 years ago

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This is just about as nerdy as it gets, folks. Pick breweries per tier as instructed below. You get credit for new beers (and only new beers) that your brewery produces between February first and June 31st. The scori...

West Flanders Makes Broncos Themed Beer for NFL Playoffs

Added by 10 years ago

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The AFC Championship is this Sunday, and everyone's getting ready in their own way.  West Flanders has been getting ready for a lot longer, it seems, as they're now ready to release their local sports squad-themed bee...

Oskar Blues introduces 32 oz “Crowler”

Added by 10 years ago

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"My can is too small!" "My growler is too...not aluminum!" THERE'S GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY! A CROWLER™ (CAN + growler) is a 32-ounce CAN filled with fresh craft beer from the source. Yep, draft beer in a portabl...