Category: News
Newcastle has some Super Bowl Ad Weirdness
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The adorable Aubrey Plaza requests your brand's help in branding some brandage. In other words: Newcastle is continuing with its befuddling strategy of convincing people that a beer available in basically any estab...
Benson Brewery using clay pots for brewing
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Benson Brewery out of Ohama Nebraska is engaging in a very interesting experiment involving clay vessels called Amphora. An amphora is a type of clay pot used in early human societies for storing a myriad of liquids,...
Colorado is strangely afraid of selling craft beer in supermarkets
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I don't even know where to start with this piece about Colorado's beer regulations. The truth: You don’t want grocery chains jumping into full-strength alcohol sales because we will put an end to craft beer. Well, t...
Kentucky Breakfast Stout Hypestravaganza 2015
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It's that time of year. Time to buy plane tickets and book hotel rooms to purchase a couple of beers. I'm not joking. This years annual circus of insanity includes vacation packages and a whole week of events and...
People actually hate Sierra Nevada Pale Ale?
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Deadspin (or, Drunkspin more specifically) offered up this odd borderline-screed against people who (apparently) turn their nose up at Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. But anyone who drinks modern American craft beer yet deni...
Experts vs. Crowdsourcing
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The notable Jeff Alworth has a good short piece on All About Beer that is worth your time and contemplation. Why should you bother seeking out an expert? Because beer experts do some things even 900 layman together c...
The Secret Ingredient is Comedy (NSFW)
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Highly amusing (and highly vulgar) blog Don't Drink Beer has a great satirical piece on gimmicky ingredients. “Yeah, I heard about this irrelevant shitwater that I will never try, I even heard about the nonstandard i...
You can’t call your beer that.
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NPR blog "The Salt" has a great write up about the ever-shrinking naming possibilities for beers and brews. A quick Google search reveals multiple beers named "Hopscotch," and at least three India Pale Ales with the ...
Century-old beer for Christmas?
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The often-fascinating Larsblog has a great post on a largely forgotten brewing tradition that resulted in some very old beer. After a few years, half the beer would be drained off and bottled, and a new batch would b...
Millennials don’t like beer? Balderdash.
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Beervana has a good blog post response to the recent WaPo piece that made the rounds. We have known for years that the drinks market is getting more crowded as it matures, and that cider, micro-distilled liquors, and...