The Kids Are Alright (Not drunk, at least…)
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Underage drinking has hit an historic low. MTF discovered that the 30-day prevalence of alcohol use declined in all three grades in 2013, dropping 0.8, 1.9 and 2.3 percentage points in grades 8, 10 and 12. All three ...
The Economic Impact of Craft
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The brewers association has compiled some interesting stats for 2012. Top Five States in Age 21+ Output per Capita (2012) Rank State 2012 Output/Capita 1. Oregon $448.56 2. Colorado $436.50 3. Vermont $41...
America’s First Trappist
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According to the International Trappist Association (who gets to decide such things), Spencer Brewing operating out of St. Joseph's Abbey in Spencer, MA has an official Trappist product. The beer is blond with 6.5% a...
Repeal Day!
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It's the 80th anniversary of the repealing of prohibition. Pop a cork, a cap, or a can! Here's an appropriately timed list of the top breweries of the year according to one outlet. The absence of Three Floyds i...
How to brew a better brick
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Apparently spent grains make excellent insulators in brick production. Research engineers found that bricks made with 5% spent brewing grains were nearly 30% better insulators, and just as strong as traditional brick...
Thanksgiving: Pairing Beers with Pure, Wonderful Gluttony
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There is an exhaustive list of recommendation over at Serious Eats. Everything from Belgian sours to nutty browns is on the table if you will (I crack me up), but the closest thing to a consensus seems to be the cu...
Dogfish Head piles on the low-alcohol year-round release trend
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Yep, Namaste is going year-round. Dogfish will transition Namaste, the company’s 4.8 percent, Belgian-style white beer — previously available only in 750 mL champagne-style bottles on a limited basis — into regularly...
Forget the Black Friday deals and get drunk
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Lakefront is once again making a special one-off batch to be released on Black Friday. Even if you hit them up to avoid the horrorscape of holiday-crazed shoppers, you may still have to get up early and get in line. ...
Man charged with boosting $38k worth of Guinness
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I don't even know how you get this dumb, but it may involve consumption of way too much Guinness while hatching a plan to make money. He allegedly admitted to Saddle Brook police that he drove to Pennsylvania, broke ...
All aboard the SS Dry Hop – Cigar City literally dry hopping at sea
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Cigar City is brewing an IPA in Puerto Rico and dry hopping it during the return voyage to Tampa. Don't that beat all? Cigar City is currently brewing about 200 barrels of the beer at a time in Puerto Rico, dry-ho...