A Primer on Identifying Styles
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CraftBeer.com has a great guide that should help newcomers and aspiring snobs alike. It gives you a handful of helpful guidelines in trying to figure out what something is and more importantly--what you actually like...
Tiny homebrew appliance PicoBrew Zymatic rakes in over $600k on kickstarter
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Not a bad haul for a $150k goal. Why can't we brew beer at home as easily as we can make a loaf of bread with a bread-maker, or a shot of espresso with an automatic espresso machine? Making quality beer this easily:...
Alchemist is shutting down access to its cannery
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Sad news for many up north. In an effort to stay ahead of the curve we have made the difficult decision to close our retail shop and self-guided tour area. Effective November 15 the cannery will no longer be open to ...
Georgia harasses Terrapin for doing nothing wrong
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The Georgia department of Revenue has a long (and lame) history of extracting money from breweries for no good reason. This is mostly due to Georgia's weird laws governing breweries. Now they're harassing Terrapin f...
Triumph at the Great American Beer Festival (NSFW)
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Not triumph as in victory. And not Triumph Brewing Company...or...Victory Brewing Company, either. Wait what? Err... ...You know, the dog with the cigar that makes fun of everyone on Conan! This is 7 minutes of ...
Styles Matter Until They Don’t
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Kellan Bartosch over at CraftBeer.com has a great article for the novice beer drinker on why styles are important and how to start thinking about them to extract Maximum Liquid Pleasuretimes(tm) from your bubbly libat...
How fresh is your beer?
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Clearly the beer is 7 stars and Full-Lion old. Dan over at TheFullPint.com calls out the non-dating breweries. What really bothers me, more than breweries that flat out don’t label, are breweries that make it diff...
Mission fires 32oz craft “cannons”
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Every wanted a double IPA as big as your face? Yearn no more, me hearties. The move to quart cans came about earlier this year when Mission founder Dan Selis was in a meeting with his local distributor. “One of thei...
The Many Styles of Oktoberfest
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Craftbeer.com has a great write-up explaining the history of Oktoberfest styles and medal-winners in each of the categories. Simply put, American Oktoberfest styles do not really match up with what's going on in Germa...
Terrapin & Saw Works collaborate on Georgia/Tennesse rivalry beer
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In celebration of this week's classic football match-up between the University of Georgia Bulldogs and the University of Tennessee Volunteers, these 2 "rival" brewers have set aside their differences for a collaborati...