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Pliny brewer Russian River maxes out production

Added by 11 years ago

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In the world's most predictable story, Russian River ran out of beer due to excess demand recently. Workers hustled over to the main brewery off Santa Rosa Avenue and snagged a few cases of the flagship Pliny the Eld...

Lightweight beer “mix” for outdoor excursions

Added by 11 years ago

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Anyone that's ever been backpacking or camping knows how important minimizing your carry weight can be, but also probably knows how delicious a cold beer is after a few miles in the backcountry. It's not a new idea...

Funny Arcadia Commercial

Added by 11 years ago

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I don't have much use for pumpkin ales, personally, but I do enjoy a funny commercial regardless of product.

Flying Dog Raging Bitch on True Blood

Added by 11 years ago

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Sam Merlotte is not wrong about this one.  "It's pretty fucking good." It's good to see one of my go-to beers featured in any way, let alone on HBO.

Waiting for the beer bubble to pop

Added by 11 years ago

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Founders CEO Mike Stevens is calling it straight up. “We will see a bit of a bubble burst in the next five years or so,” he said during a live chat with MLive readers at the Founders 15-year anniversary party. “Howev...

Postmaster General wants to lift ban on alcohol delivery

Added by 11 years ago

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Since FedEx and UPS have been doing it forever, this kind of seems like a no-brainer. Donahoe said delivering alcohol has the potential to raise as much as $50 million a year. He mentioned how customers might want to...

Stone coming to Alabama

Added by 11 years ago

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Pardon the interruption for a little local self-indulgence.  Stone is finally coming to Alabama, just 5 short LONG years after the first Free The Hops bill reformed the beer laws in the state.   A team of Sto...

Mosquitos like beer?

Added by 11 years ago

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Or something like that. Just a single 12-ounce bottle of beer can make you more attractive to the insects, one study found. But even though researchers had suspected this was because drinking increases the amount of ...

Interactive map of craft beer in America

Added by 11 years ago

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The New Yorker has a super-cool interactive map of some craft beer stats across the country.  Glad to see my buddy Bo Hick's new joint, Druid City Brewing on the big board.

Kopparberg’s new glass treats you like the filthy thief that you are

Added by 11 years ago

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Ever stolen a cool pint glass or goblet from a bar? Stop lying, you lying liar.  I know you have.  I've seen your cabinets. Well, try that again and they will BLOW YOUR FREAKIN' HAND OFF.  They will, le...