Tag: yeast

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Ancient whale bone beer because hell yes, that’s why.

Added by 10 years ago

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A user on Reddit posted today about attending the release of Lost Rhino Bone Duster. Director of field research of Paleo Quest came up with the crazy (but cool!) idea to swab some of the fossils Jason had found on hi...

The Synth-yeast Cometh

Added by 10 years ago

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Science can make a whole lot of things better.  Why shouldn't beer be one of them? As Popular Mechanics reports, the Yeast 2.0 project has designed and written an 11-million-letter DNA code which is being snipped out...

Would you use synthetic yeast?

Added by 11 years ago

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The robo-germ invasion is coming. British researchers are helping to create “designer” genomes that can be inserted into yeast cells to create new strains of these organisms. They hope these man-made forms of life co...