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GWARBQ Brew by Cigar City – Teaser video
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Shot like a classic beer ad, but way more awesome (obviously). I posted previously about this totally real product. To be served at GWAR's annual festival.
New movie “Drinking Buddies” shot at Revolution Brewing Company
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Could be the Sideways of craft beer? Either way, this looks very enjoyable and I don't need any excuse to see a movie filmed in a brewery (or one with Ron Livingston (!!!) for that matter). OnDemand July 25th, in t...
Tallgrass Ethos IPA – Beer of legend
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I'm a big fan of their Buffalo Sweat stout--just about the creamiest stout you'll ever have in a can, as well as their 8-bit Pale Ale which is fantastic for its packaging alone. I'm naturally excited about this new o...
Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head on CBS This Morning
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Here's a great segment with Sam Calagione discussing the craft industry in general. Must-see media for beer nerds.
Creepy beer is creepy (and probably delicious)
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This thing definitely wins the award for most disturbing namesake that I'm aware of, but it also sounds incredible. Anyone in Texas want to ship me a bottle? The second release in our Legendary Series, La Dame du La...
A bottle that plays music?
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Check out this mind-blowing video of a beer bottle etched with playable music, just like a vinyl record (or more precisely, an Edison cylinder).
Now Serving: New Duff Extra Cold!
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The first video evidence of the new Universal Studios "The Simpsons" attraction has landed. You can get a Duff for $7 in a disposable cup or $12 with the souvenir glass. About as price-gougy as I expected. You ca...
The Growler Saver: our favorite new kickstarter project
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Ever had your growler go flat in a matter of 48 hours in your fridge, or even just after a bumpy car trip? This clever, simple, inexpensive device will fix all that. Check out the video to see how it works. This ...
Imperial Russian Stout Returns!
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Everybody's (Well, my) favorite cellaring bear is about to get its 2013 release. Look for the Imperial Russian and the Espresso varieties to begin appearing on Monday, April 15th. Make sure to buy a couple extra for...