I missed this a couple of weeks ago but it’s worth sharing now. There are just a few “must-read” articles about beer every year and this is one of them.
Writer Michael Jackson, who called Saison Dupont “a down-to-earth classic of the style,” came to love the zesty, herbal brew while traveling through Belgium in the 1970s. At Jackson’s urging, Feinberg and Littlefield looked at a partnership with Brasserie Dupont and began importing Saison Dupont in the late 1980s through their company, Vanberg & DeWulf. At the time, the beer represented just 2 percent of Brasserie Dupont’s sales and was being considered for discontinuation
It’s short and to the point, but the links inside are worth exploring too.
The relative popularity of the saison over the last decade or so in the United States is nothing short of remarkable. Enjoy one and ponder what may not have ever been if not for the urging of Jackson.
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