Category: Funny

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Free beer in Beijing! (Yes, there’s a disgusting catch.)

Added by 10 years ago

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You can get a free glass of Jing-A's "Airpocalypse" beer, but only if the air quality is really, really crappy. For once, though, he was hoping the index would show heavy pollution, since it meant cheaper beer. One o...

The Secret Ingredient is Comedy (NSFW)

Added by 10 years ago

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Highly amusing (and highly vulgar) blog Don't Drink Beer has a great satirical piece on gimmicky ingredients. “Yeah, I heard about this irrelevant shitwater that I will never try, I even heard about the nonstandard i...

You can’t call your beer that.

Added by 10 years ago

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NPR blog "The Salt" has a great write up about the ever-shrinking naming possibilities for beers and brews. A quick Google search reveals multiple beers named "Hopscotch," and at least three India Pale Ales with the ...

Sweetwater hashing it up with concentrated lupulin

Added by 10 years ago

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The new brew is called Hop Hash. Brewers decided to throw a sticky SweetWater signature on this hopped up concoction, promising to deliver the dankest double IPA around. After scraping the hop pelletizers clean in Ya...

Honey Badger DIPA doesn’t give a…

Added by 10 years ago

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Just in time for football season. Marin Brewing Company announced this week the release of their newest beer, Honey Badger Double IPA.  The latest hoppy creation is the result of a collaboration with San Francisco-ba...

“Bilbo, have you been at the Gaffer’s home brew?”

Added by 10 years ago

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Hobbit-branded beers coming very soon. The Hobbit is getting its own beer series thanks to a new partnership between Fish Brewing, Ocean Brands, LLC and BevLink, LLC. Though the feature film, The Battle of the Five A...

Ancient whale bone beer because hell yes, that’s why.

Added by 10 years ago

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A user on Reddit posted today about attending the release of Lost Rhino Bone Duster. Director of field research of Paleo Quest came up with the crazy (but cool!) idea to swab some of the fossils Jason had found on hi...

Hop-motion animation

Added by 10 years ago

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and insist that this is THE BEST stop-motion animation short film involving a beer bottle that you'll see ALL WEEK! Seriously--it's a fine project by Matija Juršić that is worthy of your ...

All Trappists to become IPAs

Added by 10 years ago

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Refusing to be overwhelmed by changing market forces, the monks have decided to label every beer as an IPA. (Relax, it's satire.) “Though we are pious servants to the Lord first and foremost, we are also running a...

People actually hate Sierra Nevada Pale Ale?

Added by 10 years ago

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Deadspin (or, Drunkspin more specifically) offered up this odd borderline-screed against people who (apparently) turn their nose up at Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. But anyone who drinks modern American craft beer yet deni...