Added by on 2015-05-12

The cavern of suds

Complete with a review of an 18-year-old (!!) barleywine.

There’s a ton of great info, getting into the weeds with the specifics:

You’ll also notice that ribes, a quality associated with blackcurrant, is on both lists. Ribes sharply increase with a small amount of age, but take a dive off the moon as it continues to mature. The ribes rise is partially attributable to the oxygen in the bottle headspace. A deeper look into the research shows the peak and downfall of ribes takes a matter of weeks and will mostly like be gone in half a year’s time, making it only a minor nuisance to beer hoarders.

The beer he tried came out before the Sega Dreamcast.  The mind boggles.  The language in his review is pretty rad, too:

 The flavor continues the voyage into the unknown with a distinct tart/sour caramel apple and cherry that finishes burnt raisin bread.

Neat!  Give the whole thing a read and learn a thing or three.





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