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Left Hand’s Tripel returns!

Added by 11 years ago

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It's back! It's not the best tripel in the world, but as it's an intersection of a much-loved brewery and one of my favorite styles, I was surely sad to see it disappear.  I suppose a renewed vigor for Belgian appr...

Hopped To Death

Added by 11 years ago

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"Come in and have a seat.  America, we're here today to tell you that you have a problem.  You're addicted to hops and we want to help you get better." At least that's the charge over at Slate. From a consumer’s s...

All glory to the Hopnotoad: Hopville merges with Brewtoad

Added by 11 years ago

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You can read all about the merger here. The bottom line is that 2 of the best homebrew resources on the web are joining forces. If you've never used Brewtoad before, you should give it a try.

Iron Maiden Beer No Longer Rocks Sweden

Added by 11 years ago

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In the "you can't make this stuff up" department, Iron Maiden's beer has been taken off the shelves in Sweden for rocking too hard  violating the government's laws regarding labeling.   But the power of Eddie refuses ...

BEER Act vs. Small BREW Act

Added by 11 years ago

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If you're confused about the recent federal bills on brewing tax rates, here's a good video from Bob Pease of the Brewers Association explaining the difference. Basically the Small BREW Act is the one that will sup...

And the winner is…Granola!

Added by 11 years ago

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Dogfish Head's Grateful Dead themed beer finally has its final ingredient, selected from over 1500 submissions from fans that tied a story to their suggestion. While the story is great, it's hard to deny the brewin...

Defining “Craft”

Added by 11 years ago

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There has been a lot of talk about this due to the rise of many "craft-like" brands from large worldwide operations.   Here's Jim Koch, who obviously knows a thing or two about the practice and the industry: “There...

Cigar City to make “Impaled Ale” for GWAR B-Q

Added by 11 years ago

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Look, this is exactly what it sounds like: “Once again, we blow the horn of war and set into motion the gears that grind us towards the greatest GWAR B-Q yet,” said Brokie (AKA Oderus Urungus). “We will be shoving a ...

Dogfish Head founder affirms wisdom of looking to the past

Added by 11 years ago

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In a guest piece for the Wall Street Journal, Sam Calagione talks about the inspiration for Dogfish Head's "Ancient" beer lineup and how this logic might apply in other lines of business: As a small company you need ...

Open beer faster

Added by 11 years ago

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Sometimes you just can't open it fast enough, I guess. Some say this is nothing but a frivolous toy.  Try going to a patio bar in New Orleans the weekend that Abita Strawberry comes out and then tell me it's pointl...