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American craft: not just for Americans

Added by 9 years ago

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The latest export numbers are out.  Craft exports are absolutely booming. Supported by the BA’s Export Development Program (EDP), craft beer export volume increased by 35.7 percent in 2014, representing 383,422 barre...

RIP Stone Ruination

Added by 9 years ago

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If you haven't heard yet--it's going away...sort of. There’s still one more beer that will be exiting production for eternity and, as hard as it is to say good-bye, the time has come. Spring 2015 will see the last-ev...

Craft beer hit double digit share in 2014

Added by 9 years ago

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To put it simply: 2014 was an absolute monster year for craft brew. With the total beer market up only 0.5 percent in 2014, craft brewers are key in keeping the overall industry innovative and growing. This steady gr...

The full scoop on Westy

Added by 9 years ago

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If you don't know about Wesvleteren (one of the most coveted and delicious brands in the world), then this is as good a read as I've found about their full story. The Rule of St Benedict, upon which Trappist life is ...

What is the real value of a beer award?

Added by 10 years ago

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Beer Graphs makes a comparison to the Oscars to put a finer point on it. American-Style India Pale Ale is without a doubt one of the most popular categories both for fans and brewers. In fact it’s the most represente...

The history of beer prohibition in Iceland

Added by 10 years ago

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BBC has a good historical write-up on a uniquely Icelandic phenomenon.   Real beer was largely off-limits until March 1st 1989. A century ago, Iceland banned all alcoholic drinks. Within a decade, red wine had been l...

Amber is the color of your energy (and beer)

Added by 10 years ago

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If Iron Maiden and Hanson can have their own beers, why not Omaha rockers 311? The Omaha band has teamed up Rock Brothers in Tampa, Fla., and Nebraska Brewing in Papillion, Neb., bassist Aaron “P Nut” Wills confirmed...

Women’s Collaboration Brew Day is March 8th

Added by 10 years ago

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An event that attracts women from all over the world to collaborate in a brew is in its second year.  As of this writing, over 80 participants from 11 countries have signed on for the historic brew day on March 8th t...

The Once and Future Grain

Added by 10 years ago

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All About Beer has a short piece about the history (and outlook) of a quintessential British barley malt: Marris Otter.  “It seems to have more biscuity, creamy flavors than other varieties, and it doesn’t seem to be...

“Average” Breweries

Added by 10 years ago

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Beer vs. Beer has a good blog post about the role of your typical neighborhood non-barrel-aged imperial hype machine type brewery.  If a brewery is pumping out just average or slightly below average beer, does it mat...