Category: Videos
(NSFW) Hipsters Love Beer
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I'm guilty of looking like these jackwagons on occasion--just with less-ironic attire. Get as pretentious as you want with your beer--just please do it with a smile instead of a hipster sneer.
A bottle that plays music?
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Check out this mind-blowing video of a beer bottle etched with playable music, just like a vinyl record (or more precisely, an Edison cylinder).
Alchemist FAQ
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Check out this amusing and informative video from John Kimmich of Alchemist Brewing. It's a shame that Heady Topper isn't nationwide yet. I've only managed to have one in my life so far!
BEER Act vs. Small BREW Act
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If you're confused about the recent federal bills on brewing tax rates, here's a good video from Bob Pease of the Brewers Association explaining the difference. Basically the Small BREW Act is the one that will sup...
BrewDog Brews Up TV Pilot ‘Brew Dogs’
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The owners of Scottish brewery, BrewDog, James Watt and Martin Dickie, created a TV pilot for a new show called Brew Dogs. If you've never heard of BrewDog, you need to get out from under your rock and get to your loc...
Budweiser truck drives into a lake
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Apparently the driver just wanted to avoided being stung by a wasp. Don't worry, though--all of the beer is ok. Check out the local news coverage video right here.
Creepy beer is creepy (and probably delicious)
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This thing definitely wins the award for most disturbing namesake that I'm aware of, but it also sounds incredible. Anyone in Texas want to ship me a bottle? The second release in our Legendary Series, La Dame du La...
Funny Arcadia Commercial
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I don't have much use for pumpkin ales, personally, but I do enjoy a funny commercial regardless of product.
GWARBQ Brew by Cigar City – Teaser video
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Shot like a classic beer ad, but way more awesome (obviously). I posted previously about this totally real product. To be served at GWAR's annual festival.