Category: Videos

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New movie “Drinking Buddies” shot at Revolution Brewing Company

Added by 11 years ago

446 Views0 Comments

Could be the Sideways of craft beer? Either way, this looks very enjoyable and I don't need any excuse to see a movie filmed in a brewery (or one with Ron Livingston (!!!) for that matter). OnDemand July 25th, in t...

BrewDog Brews Up TV Pilot ‘Brew Dogs’

Added by 12 years ago

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The owners of Scottish brewery, BrewDog, James Watt and Martin Dickie, created a TV pilot for a new show called Brew Dogs. If you've never heard of BrewDog, you need to get out from under your rock and get to your loc...

Flying Dog Raging Bitch on True Blood

Added by 11 years ago

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Sam Merlotte is not wrong about this one.  "It's pretty fucking good." It's good to see one of my go-to beers featured in any way, let alone on HBO.

(NSFW) Hipsters Love Beer

Added by 11 years ago

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I'm guilty of looking like these jackwagons on occasion--just with less-ironic attire.  Get as pretentious as you want with your beer--just please do it with a smile instead of a hipster sneer.

Snake Bite ad fills your funny bone with its deadly venom

Added by 11 years ago

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Taking their cue from the absurd comedy of the popular Old Spice commercials, the brand-spankin'-new brewery from the bay area has a video almost guaranteed to go viral.  It certainly appeals to the target demographic...

Tallgrass “Tactical” Cans

Added by 11 years ago

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The new (awesomely named) "Zombie Monkey: A Post-Apocalyptic Robust Porter" will feature a textured grip on the side of the can. has the full scoop. "I dreamed this beer into existence," said Tallgrass...

The Growler Saver: our favorite new kickstarter project

Added by 11 years ago

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Ever had your growler go flat in a matter of 48 hours in your fridge, or even just after a bumpy car trip?  This clever, simple, inexpensive device will fix all that.  Check out the video to see how it works. This ...

No Bull! Wynkoop Releasing Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout

Added by 12 years ago

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Wynkoop Brewing Company just announced their ballsiest beer yet - Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout! This 8 barrel batch is made with 25 pounds of bull testicles that were hand sliced and roasted by Wynkoop's sous chef Andr...

Now Serving: New Duff Extra Cold!

Added by 11 years ago

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The first video evidence of the new Universal Studios "The Simpsons" attraction has landed.  You can get a Duff for $7 in a disposable cup or $12 with the souvenir glass.  About as price-gougy as I expected. You ca...

Budweiser truck drives into a lake

Added by 11 years ago

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Apparently the driver just wanted to avoided being stung by a wasp. Don't worry, though--all of the beer is ok. Check out the local news coverage video right here.