Snake Bite ad fills your funny bone with its deadly venom
199 Views1 Comments
Taking their cue from the absurd comedy of the popular Old Spice commercials, the brand-spankin'-new brewery from the bay area has a video almost guaranteed to go viral. It certainly appeals to the target demographic...
Would you use synthetic yeast?
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The robo-germ invasion is coming. British researchers are helping to create “designer” genomes that can be inserted into yeast cells to create new strains of these organisms. They hope these man-made forms of life co...
Macau Beer Culture
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Everyone should definitely read the great travel write-up over at Zythophile about finding craft beer in Macau. When you CAN find it, it’s a pleasant enough mid-gold beer at the malty end of the rainbow, refreshing c...
GWARBQ Brew by Cigar City – Teaser video
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Shot like a classic beer ad, but way more awesome (obviously). I posted previously about this totally real product. To be served at GWAR's annual festival.
Increasing the case for cans
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The publication Advertising Age has a good write-up on the reasons why cans are a good idea for business as well as for beer in general. The most obvious reason to anyone that's ever been outside is that they're no...
Lagunitas alleges 420-related demands from SweetWater
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In a series of fairly weird tweets, Tony Magee of Lagunitas fame has accused SweetWater(though not by name) of sending him a cease and desist letter about the use of 420 on some Langunitas brews.
Bells expanding their footprint
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I've always felt blessed that Bell's decided to come to Alabama when they did. They were among the first in line to distribute here when the state reformed its beer laws in 2008. Now a few more spots in the US are...
The fight to share your homebrew
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Almost everyone lives some place that has seen some important changes to the laws governing beer in the last decade. Container size limits, ABV restrictions, brewery zoning issues, Sunday seems there's alw...
‘Fucking Awesome’ beer label approved in the United States
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That's not commentary or colorful description. That's the name of the beer. But it won't be available everywhere, as you might expect. As Shelton Brothers recently noted, some states like Maine will reject labels t...
How to host a beer dinner
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CraftBeer has a great article full of tips on hosting a beer dinner. Everything from how to pair to how to serve is represented, including this that I find crucial: 6. There’s not one right way to pair. There are no...