Monacacy Brewing Company Opening in Frederick, MD
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Opening in the coming months, another craft brewery is coming to the already infamous beer town of Frederick, MD. Monacacy Brewing Company, owned by Phil Bowers, will be opening their 15,000 square foot brewery at 178...
More Metal
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Not metal as in metallic, but metal as in holy crap look at those labels--SO METAL. First, there's a new Game of Thrones brew, and it's about as metal as it gets: [caption id="attachment_1478" align="alignnone" ...
Mosquitos like beer?
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Or something like that. Just a single 12-ounce bottle of beer can make you more attractive to the insects, one study found. But even though researchers had suspected this was because drinking increases the amount of ...
New Belgium is (maybe?) looking for a buyer
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Reuters gave us the not-so-secret over the weekend. Employee-owned New Belgium Brewing Company, which owns craft beer brand Fat Tire, is looking for a buyer that could the value the U.S. company at more than $1 billi...
New Cans For Summer
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Sierra Nevada and Shipyard both have new (and unfortunately limited, for now) cans for their summer seasonals Summerfest and Summer Ale respectively. Keep an eye out for these for all your no-glass-allowed needs.
New documentary series on San Diego beer from PBS
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It's called "Kings of the Craft". Check out the trailer above. Debuts this Thursday, May 21st at 9pm on PBS stations and will be streaming online the following day.
New Hops, Y’all!
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Hopunion Quarterly has reported that that we're in for a new variety at this year's CBC. The Hop Breeding Company will be unveiling a new hop variety during the CBC. This unique variety features high oil content and ...
New movie “Drinking Buddies” shot at Revolution Brewing Company
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Could be the Sideways of craft beer? Either way, this looks very enjoyable and I don't need any excuse to see a movie filmed in a brewery (or one with Ron Livingston (!!!) for that matter). OnDemand July 25th, in t...
New Spring Seasonal From Ommegang, “Glimmerglass” Seasonal
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From the name alone it sounds like some kind of magical potion from Middle Earth, which is an advantage not lost on me. Luckily, it also sounds absolutely delicious: Glimmerglass is brewed with white wheat, hopped w...
Newcastle has some Super Bowl Ad Weirdness
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The adorable Aubrey Plaza requests your brand's help in branding some brandage. In other words: Newcastle is continuing with its befuddling strategy of convincing people that a beer available in basically any estab...